For fulfilment of His Universal Mission He – Viswaguru wrote a sacred scripture named Srimad Bhagavadbharati - like Srimad Bhagavad gita - in lucid sanskrit ( in Bhagavanji‘s own words : to confer His Grace on His Sishya disciples in every respect ) and to show the mankind the path of Liberation from Bondage and attaing the Moksha in realization of their Inner Self in a practical manner

Besides this , Sri Viswaguru also wrote the following books in Sanskrit.

Stotra manjari : Stotrams on various Dieties and on Pranavadwhaja - a Flag dipicting Sanatana Bharateeya Culture and tradition – and also praising the Motherland at length
Devi Atmaarpana Stuti : 59 slokas written ex-tempo on Godess Mahamkali during His tour of Ujjain when Sri Bhagavanji had a Darsan of the Godess during their penance on the banks of