The Almighty , with the desire of liberating the Souls of the Sacred Devotees who dedicated their lives with deep Viragya and approached Thy Lotus feet with Saranagati ; shall take a Form of His choice by Self-controlling His creation of Maaya.
To put His promise
Sloka 5 of Chapter 2 of Bhagavanji`s Sacred Script Sri Madbhagavad Bharati
into action Parabrahma took birth on 06-12-1939 in an Orthodox Brahmain family - Parents : Sri Kesanupalli Narasimharao garu, an inner seeker and realized soul and Smt Seetamahalakshmi ,a simple, selfless and loviung mother - at Narasaraopet in Guntur Dist of AndhraPradesh in India ; with the name Sri Poorna Hanumantarao garu.
He is highly insighted - In Bhagavanji`s own words, always remained in constat Brahmic Consciousness - left the College studies at Intermediate Stage itself and practiced Avadhuta Jeevana to get rid of worldly bondages. Later at the end of 1962 He went to Sringeri - Dakshinamnaya Peetham established by Sri Adi Sankara Bhagavatpada - and initiated into Traditional Sanyasa Deeksha by Sri Swamy Sankarananda Teertha under the guidence of the then Pontiff of Sarada Peetham, Sri Madabhinava Vidya Teertha Maha Swamigal.
He was given Yoga Pattam as Swmi Vidyaranya by the Pontiff itself : to the surprise of Bhagavanji Himself as it is the same one , which Sri Bhagavanji himself declared it on the hill of Trikooteeswara near Narasaraopet during His Avadhoota Penance.